Quantum Physics Part (III): Creating the Future                            Pdf


We have been exploring how aspects of quantum physics can help us create the life we want to live. We coined the phrase “everyday quantum physics” to see how to apply quantum physics to our daily life. We started with a fundamental principle of quantum physics: the future comes to us in waves of probability. In the October/November Letter we reviewed the science behind this. Last month (December) we discussed how we turn waves of probability into our present moment, into the life we lead. This month we will explore how we create these waves of probability. This is the profound question, “How do we create our future?”

In our exploration, we will use an analogy. A good analogy helps us understand things that can be almost indescribable with language. From an analogy we can get a “sense” of the way things operate though we cannot describe exactly what happens. We will use the analogy of a factory, our “future factory,” that manufactures and delivers the things that we place orders for. We will continue to use the concepts of quantum physics as a context for our exploration. You can ignore the physics if you wish and still expand your understanding about future creation. However the quantum physics is fascinating.

Point of Empowerment: We know how to create our future as we are already doing it. If we understand the process of creation, we are empowered to do it with more awareness.


The future is a profound aspect of our lives. We want to know, desperately at times, what the future holds for us. Quantum physics tells us that the future is not something separate, disconnected, from us. When a quantum physics scientist sets up an experiment he/she is creating a number of probable futures, a set of consequences and results that will occur when an “observation/measurement” is performed.  Similarly we set up our own experiment (our life) by creating futures which then come to us as waves of probability, which become our life through our “observation.” Our future has two parts. Part one is creating waves of probability. Part two is choosing which wave becomes our present moment. (see the December Letter for the description of part two. https://iifsd.org/library/newsletters/december-2018-letter/)

We create our future. This fact is exciting, liberating, exhilarating, and terrifying, all at the same time. We have more control over our future than we thought. We have more but not total control. This control of our future brings us more power and greater responsibility, a responsibility we often want to deny. Our control of the future is obvious in many ways. “I choose to marry, or partner with, this person.” That choice has obvious consequences for our future. However, most of the future we create is done outside of our awareness from that hazy, foggy part of our self that is semi-conscious. In order to become more conscious we start by understanding the creation process.

Point of Empowerment: The present moment comes from the future when we convert a potential future into our “now.”

Our past, present and, future exist along a timeline. The future becomes our present when we move along our timeline to a “point in the future.” It is important to see this because those points in the future tend to look mostly like the past so we think that the past creates our future. This is comfortable to us, but we need to understand that the future is much more malleable, more open to change, that we currently think or experience. “The past does not equal the future” is a popular saying.


In our analogy there is a factory and trucks that deliver to us what the factory produces.  The factory manufactures our future and sends it to us via a delivery truck. We place orders for what we want directly to the factory and take deliveries from the trucks. When we open the door to receive what we have ordered we experience the present moment. When we place orders to the factory we are making requests for what we want in our future. (In language of quantum physics: the factory generates waves of probability. Those waves of probability come to us. We call the moment of opening the door of our house to receive deliveries “making the observation that collapses the wave of probability that creates our present moment.”)

One important point about the factory that manufactures our future. It cannot make and send us “nothing or no-thing.” It can only make and send us something. For example, if you have a “fear of making mistakes” the factory sends you “fear of making mistakes.” If you reduce your fear of making mistakes the factory sends you less fear of making mistakes. If you want acceptance or relaxation when you make a mistake the factory will send you acceptance or relaxation.

This is the basic analogy. Though we are using the analogy as a way of understanding future creation, it is important to know that there is “something” that is currently indescribable that sends us the waves of probability that become our present. So let’s explore aspects of the analogy to increase our understanding about how we create our future.


We “place an order” to our future factory with desire. A desire is something that we want and is accompanied by belief, thought, feeling, and expectation.

A belief states that what we want is “desirable,” is good/constructive/pleasurable for us in some way. We can also desire something that is bad/destructive/painful for us because we believe that we need or deserve the destructiveness and pain.

There are usually many thoughts accompanying a particular desire. Thoughts that:

  • Describe what fulfillment of our desire will look like
  • Describe when we want our desire to be fulfilled
  • Describe how we want our desire to be fulfilled
  • Describe what we will do with the fulfillment of our desire, what our intentions are
  • Tell us why we should have what we desire
  • Tell us why we should not have what we desire. These are the thoughts that are our resistances to getting what we want. Surprisingly, we frequently don’t want what we want at the same time as we want it.

There are usually many feelings that generate and accompany a desire, feelings that vary in intensity from very weak to very intense. The feeling aspect of a desire creates the power behind it. What we want intensely will be manufactured and delivered to us more quickly and with greater probability than something that we have a weak desire for. If we feel resistance to getting what we want, that resistance may cancel out our desire entirely or just weaken it, making it less powerful.

Expectation states that my desire will or will not be fulfilled. Desires accompanied by positive expectation—the expectation that my desire will be fulfilled, will come to us. Desires accompanied by negative expectation—the expectation that my desire will not be fulfilled, are either cancelled out entirely or their power is severely weakened.

Some aspects of “placing and order” to the future factory are:

  • Desires only create things that will exist. They cannot create the absence of something. For example, I am afraid of cats creates the desire to avoid cats. Our future factory sends you more of the desire to avoid cats not the absence of cats in your life. Also, out of fear, when you focus your attention on cats it may feel like you get more cats that will scare you. Is the future factory sending you more cats? Maybe. You can try to avoid cats, but you cannot create a lack of cats using the future factory.
  • Every thought implies a desire that is sent into the future.
    • I like my desk implies the desire that I want my desk to continue to work.
    • I like my phone implies the desire that I want my phone to continue to work.
    • I don’t like my phone implies the desire that your phone will break so that you can justify getting a new one.
    • The future factory will respond to these desires in some way.
  • I feel angry at my friend implies either a desire to stop feeling angry or a desire to continue to feel angry. You seek a “reason” to release your anger or to justify holding onto your anger. The future factory will send you reasons (thoughts or events) that help you fulfill your intention to release or hold onto your anger.  The future factory responds to our intentions.
  • Every need we have implies a desire to fulfill that need. The future factory will send us opportunities to fulfill our needs. For example, if your belief is that you need someone to love, you will receive opportunities to find someone to love.
  • Every belief about the way the world works and about how I work, generates a desire and an expectation for what our future will look like. The future factory will send us sets of circumstances that “confirm the correctness of our belief.” If I believe that the world is a dangerous place, the future factory will send me circumstance that contain “danger” so that my belief is confirmed as true.


A truck makes a delivery to our house. We receive the delivery and our desire is fulfilled. (In the language of quantum physics, when we receive a delivery we collapse a wave of probability through observation creating the present moment.) We may remember placing the order or it may have “slipped our mind.”

There are various methods of delivery. The delivery man comes. Some deliveries are just left at your doorstep. Some are handed to you. Others you have to sign for. This indicates the importance of the package. You have to sign for the really important deliveries. The ones handed to you are less important. The ones left at your door are even less important than the ones handed to you. There are some deliveries that we could call “optional,” you can take delivery or not. You can “refuse” deliveries such as “gifts,” for example. Most deliveries you either don’t want to refuse or cannot refuse.

We place an order and it arrives on a day in the future. We move toward it in time, “Next Wednesday I will receive this particular order.” We may or may not be successful in determining the delivery date. There is a great variety of “delivery dates.” Some desires are fulfilled almost instantly, so quickly that it seems as though the fulfillment doesn’t come from our future. Other fulfillments can be delivered anywhere from tomorrow up until the day we die. (We make peace, we reconcile, with many things just before we die.)


We cannot explain how the future factory’s manufacturing process works. Hopefully at some point in the future we will have a greater understanding of this process.


Point of Empowerment: The next present moment of our life is truly empty.

This statement means that there is no content in the next present moment until we fill it. Since we are alive we are constantly creating our next present moment. We fill it easily and automatically with our desires and expectations. As we have said, we are already doing this but we seek to do it with greater awareness.

What we have been discussing is where quantum physics, self-psychology, and metaphysics overlap. Our discussion has probably felt like a huge challenge. Congratulations on getting this far.

Next month we will explore exact techniques for working with our beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and expectations, the “quantum” tools that we use to create our lives. Our discussion will also include some ideas about goal setting.

Your desires are part of your Self. Read The Operating Manual for the Self to discover how desire is connected to your ability, will, and the choices you make.