
Thank you for visiting our website and thinking about your participation in the exciting journeys ahead of us. If you hold our vision and support our mission there are numerous steps you can take. Please consider the following possibilities. You can:

  • Engage in your own self-development. The activity of developing your self is rewarding. Whatever you do to become a better person benefits yourself and others, who feel good because of their interactions with you. You may also inspire them.
  • Buy The Operating Manual For The Self. The Manual gives you an excellent guide for your self-development. Some of the proceeds from the book go toward fulfilling the mission of the International Institute for Self Development.
  • Tell others about The Operating Manual For The Self and the Institute. Talk to other people about your self-development. Start a formal or informal self-development group.
  • Learn about fulfilling our mission. Practice the concepts and strategies of our mission. Talk other people about fulfilling our mission.
  • Give us your email address to receive announcements about our posts and blogs.
  • Include links to our website on your Facebook page or website. For sites that you know of suggest that they include links to our site.
  • We will be sponsoring educational projects. We will be training and certifying qualified individuals to become self-esteem and self-development coaches. We will train people to conduct our workshops. If you are interested in any of these activities please contact us.