Our Vision

To awaken and further our human potential through self-development

To fulfill our vision we offer this website with ideas for your consideration.

Our Mission

The Operating Manual for the Self

The Manual integrates many seminal ideas of psychology to create a foundation for a modern psychology of the self, extends the foundation, and introduces new concepts.

Buy the Manual


In the space between the impulse to act and the action, is choice.
This is where freedom lives.
– J. I. Bryan

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As you chose love your fear retreats.
Love gives you the courage that overcomes fear.
– J. I. Bryan

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Change is a part of life.
If you fight change, you fight life.
If you fight life, you fight your Self,
As you are pure life.
– J. I. Bryan

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To help people see the beauty and magnificence of their Self by understanding its complexity and its elegant functioning.



To show people what their choices are regarding the development and growth of their Self.




To clearly identify what self-esteem is.  To teach people how to build brilliant self-esteem for themselves.